Easter — The Bridge Church | Benedictions


Matthew 27:62-28:20 | Remember the Empty Tomb

May our risen Lord be your hope today as He is our hope for all eternity.

As you encounter circumstances and situations
that would be commonly considered hopeless,
may you remember the empty tomb
that was thought to put an end to the story
but could not stop resurrection from breaking through.

As you experience the outworking of sin in this world
as it pervades relationships, communities, your own thoughts, and more,
may you remember the empty tomb
in which sin and dark powers placed Jesus to rest,
but found they could not hold back the power of resurrection.

As death reminds you of its presence
when news broadcasts give projections and statistics
and your daily life is uprooted to slow the spread of sickness,
may you remember the empty tomb
with its mouth open wide,
singing that death’s sting has been sabotaged
by a risen Savior who will raise us to eternal life as well.

May your life serve to reflect these words: He is risen indeed.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord lift up His countenance to you and give you peace.